Additional Information - Links

Psychology Today (Directory) - Maria's listing

ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) - the official ACT website

ACT Used for Treatment of Chronic Pain - Strong research support for the use of ACT in chronic pain treatment.

ACBS - (Association for Contextual Behavioral Science) - For more information about ACT or RFT (Relational Frame Theory). You'll have to register to download articles or other information, but the cost is reasonable and the vast resources available here make it worth it.

ACT Public Yahoo Group - If you're reading ACT self-help books (e.g., "Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life") and want to be part of the conversation join this group.

Maria Brent, RN, MA, LPC
The Starting Point
215 Highland Avenue, Suite C
Westmont, NJ 08108

Phone: 856-275-3701
Email me

Copyright© 2011 - 2012 Maria Brent